Taxes in Korea comprise national and local taxes. National taxes are divided into internal taxes, customs duties, and three earmarked taxes; the local taxes include province taxes and city & county taxes as shown below.

1. National Tax

1) Internal Taxes
Income Tax, Corporation Tax, Inheritance Tax, Gift Tax, Comprehensive real estate holding Tax, Value-added Tax, Individual Consumption Tax, Liquor Tax, Stamp Tax, Securities Transaction Tax

2) Customs Duties

3) Earmarked Taxes
Transportation· Energy· Environment Tax, Education Tax, Special Tax for Rural Development

2. Local Taxes

1) Province Taxes
Acquisition Tax, Registration and License Tax, Leisure Tax, Local Consumption Tax, Community Resource and Facility Tax, Local Education Tax

2) City & County Taxes
Inhabitant Tax, Property Tax, Automobile Tax, Local Income Tax, Tobacco Consumption Tax

The national internal taxes consist of direct and indirect taxes and each consists of five internal taxes. Of these ten taxes, the Income Tax, Corporation Tax, and Value Added Tax make up the bulk of the Korean tax revenue. There also exist three national earmarked taxes, namely the Transportation·Energy·Environment Tax, Education Tax, and Special Tax for Rural Development; the revenues from these sources go directly to pre-designated government programs.
There are eleven local taxes, and they are divided into province and city & county taxes. At the province level, there are four ordinary taxes and two earmarked taxes.
At the city & county level, there are five ordinary taxes. In the six large specially designated cities that are run as autonomous local administrative units (independent of the provinces they appertain to), the tax composition is slightly different from that of the provinces and cities or counties, although the residents are required to pay the same taxes.

A person is either a resident or a non-resident of Korea depending on residence or domicile. A resident is liable to income tax on items of income derived from sources both within and outside Korea. On the other hand, a non-resident is liable to income tax only on items of income derived from sources within Korea.
Under the income tax law, income earned by both residents and non-residents is subject to global and

